Board Biographies

Board of Directors

Learn more about the Board of Directors below.

Angela Dwyer
President (effective Nov. 2024)

Angela Dwyer is proud to serve as the President of the Friends of the Fulton Public Library. A recent transplant to Fulton from Colorado, her first project in her new home was building a personal library—reflecting her lifelong love of books and reading. Some of her favorite works include A Wrinkle in Time, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Shogun, and the writings of Stephen King and Clive Barker.

As an artist, teacher, and community advocate, Angela is passionate about preserving libraries as safe, inclusive spaces that foster learning and creativity for all. Through her role with the Friends of the Fulton Public Library, she is dedicated to supporting the library’s mission and ensuring it remains a vital resource for the entire community.

Since moving to Fulton, Angela and her family have been touched by the warmth of the community, and she is excited to contribute to its vibrancy by working with the Friends to support the library and its goals.

Carolyn Mosier

Carolyn moved to Fulton in 1986 from Central Minnesota and one of her first stops was this wonderful library. She currently serves on the Friends Board as Vice-President. Carolyn was elected to two terms on the library’s Board of Trustees (2014–2023). She also worked as the Children’s Room Coordinator for the library in the 1990’s (known at that time as Mrs. House). Presently, Carolyn represents Oswego County as a Trustee on the North Country Library System, which serves 67 member libraries across four New York counties. As a “Friends” advocate, Carolyn is very pleased to see the launch of the newly re-organized Friends group and knows what a benefit the Friends will be to the library, its patrons, and the Fulton community.

Jean Edley

Jean has been a life-long resident of the Fulton area, and has been a regular library user since she learned to read. As a retiree, involvement with the Friends provides her with the opportunity to devote time to a cause that is important on a personal level, to keep using skills acquired over the years, and to be an active participant in the community. Jean enjoys learning new things and meeting new people. She finds volunteering for the Friends to be a win/win situation; meaning you get back as much as you give.

Carol Teetsel

Carol has lived in the Fulton area all her life with the exception of her college years. While growing up, she always enjoyed patronizing Fulton Public Library. As a parent she instilled the same passion in her children, encouraging them to read and visit the library during their youth. It made sense to Carol to continue supporting the library by becoming a Friend and inspire others to read.

Andrew Eusebio
Board Member

Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Andrew was eager to be an active member in his new community after becoming a resident of the US and Oswego County. He jumped on the opportunity to help the Friends when they were in need of a rebrand, designing the group’s current logo. He became an official Friend with the newly organized group shortly after. Andrew brings his skills in marketing and communications to the group to help grow and support the organization. Andrew was the marketing coordinator for six years with Tafelmusik, a Toronto-based non-profit and internationally renowned orchestra and choir. He is currently the program coordinator of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Oswego County and serves on the board for the Oswego Bookmobile.

Marjorie Julian
Board Member

Marjorie is currently a council member of American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society, and volunteers at the Glimmerglass Festival. She was a board member of the Friends of History in Fulton. Marjorie enjoys travelling, genealogy, Syracuse University sports, gardening, her horse and dogs, and reading. She has been a patron of Fulton Public Library since becoming a resident of Volney in 1970. The library has been a great source of pleasure over the years, and she considers it a local community treasure.

Nancy Knaggs
Board Member

Libraries have always been a part of Nancy’s life. Her earliest memory of libraries is going to the local public library with her mother and signing out a book. She preferred books with purple covers. In the fall of 1979, she moved to Fulton from the Albany area to accept a position of Library Media Specialist at Volney/Erie Street school. She enjoys gardening, being outside, reading and working on crafts such as sewing, knitting, cross-stitching and quilting. Nancy has been a member of the Friends since June 2023.

Kathy Sipling
Board Member

Kathy is originally from Schenectady, NY, and attended high school in Syracuse. After four years at SUNY Oswego, she married and settled in Granby, NY. With a busy family life and three daughters she also pursued a library degree at Syracuse University by attending at night. Kathy was a library Aide at Fulton Jr. High and High School for many years, then took a job as a full-time librarian at Cayuga Community College. She has just finished five years as a Trustee of Fulton Public Library and has transitioned to the Friends Board of Directors. She is an absolute book-a-holic and looks forward to enjoying the comradery and sharing the events with the Friends of the Library.

Janet Weldin
Board Member

Janet grew up and attended Syracuse schools, then on to SUNY Oswego as an Education Major. She began her teaching career in 1971 in Fulton at Erie Street then Volney Elementary. When her children were young, story hour was a regular outing, meeting new friends and forming lasting friendships. As the years passed, she frequented the library with her grandchildren who enjoyed age appropriate projects. Janet finds joy in her home flower and vegetable gardens; she works with friends on the grounds at the Pratt House Museum, and has been instrumental in developing the library garden as chair of the Garden Committee. Her retirement job over the past 19 years has been a part-time floral business, Posies and Paintings, with her business partner, Jean Niver. She is also membership chairman of the Women’s Club of Fulton and President of the Altar Rosary of Holy Trinity Church in Fulton. Janet hopes to advocate for the success of the library and support the staff in serving on the Board.